Letter from Deans

Dear Homewood Postdocs,

The Johns Hopkins University was founded in 1876 as the first research university in the United States. Because of this focus on research, we were the first US university to enroll postdoctoral fellows as key players in the quest for new knowledge. That tradition continues to this day with postdocs working across the institution.

The work of a postdoc is intense. It is easy to become so focused on research that fellows do not connect with their peers in other departments and centers. That is why we are delighted to have the Homewood Postdoctoral Association to help fellows across our beautiful campus form a community of mutual support and personal connections.

In addition to having each other to lean on, you also have us as your contacts in the administration. Please let us know how we can make your experience as rewarding and productive as possible.

Best wishes for a wonderful experience at Hopkins,

Bertrand Garcia-Moreno
Vice Dean for Natural Sciences
Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
[email protected]

Sri Sarma
Vice Dean for Graduate Education
Whiting School of Engineering
[email protected]